AUMC 4001: Final Exam


Thu 16 Nov 2023 17:30 — 21:00
Melville Cave

Event information

This event is full.

AUMC 4001: Adelaide University Mountain Club

Course Outline: This subject is one of the more applied of those offered at the University of Adelaide. Course activities include hiking long distances, climbing high rock faces, kayaking beyond the horizon, and cuddle puddles. 

Like so many other courses, this subject has a gruelling, 2hr closed book exam in mid-November. [Disclaimer: this is actually a fun, social quiz night at which previous participation in the Mountain Club might be advantageous but is by no means necessary. Feel free to join as your first social activity!!]

All I can say is I hope you're as prepared as the retired invigilators.

Coordinating Unit: School of Rock

Term: Summer

Level: Pretty hot Disco (PhD)

Location/s: Literally everywhere except UniSA Pridham Hall (for now)

Units: 12 if you do it right

Contact: Consent is important

Available for Study Abroad and Exchange: You better believe it

Prerequisites: AUSPT 1010, LTSRK 1000

Assessements: Hurdle: survive all outdoor activities. Assessment: 100% fnal exam.

Final Exam: Structure: quiz format || Submission: small groups || Duration: 2hrs || Hurdle: must do better than my dog (very smart dog)

Additional information: There is a bouldering wall available to students at the examination venue. This is scheduled for rollout across all UofA subjects next year, but will be trialled in this subject. Bring climbing shoes.

Questions: Address to Mr. B Melville on 0498 490 848