Expression of Interest: Wild South Coast Way


Wed 20 Sep 2023 10:00 — Sun 24 Sep 2023 17:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


This is an Intermediate hike. You need to be able to walk 5 days straight with a fully loaded backpack. However, previous overnight hiking experience isn't necessary.

You can register for the hike on this page until the event closes on the 13th of September. Successful registrants will be added to a groupchat where we can further plan the event.

If you have any questions, Facebook message Ella Briggs :)


If you're borrowing gear from the AUMC, a $5 gear use fee applies. Apart from that, you'll have to pay your share of camp fees ($50 or so) and transport, but this'll be organised later.


'The Wild South Coast Way on the Heysen Trail (WSCW) beckons to all those who long for a true adventure in nature. This 74 km walking trail between Cape Jervis and Victor Harbor on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia showcases the rugged coastline, native wildlife, and the lush natural surroundings. '

- Parks SA

Weather: Expect 10 degree nights and 20 degree days. We'll have campfires in the evening when we have the chance.


To borrow gear, you'll have to pay a $5 fee for gear upkeep - we'll contact you about how to pay it. Club gear must be well looked after and be returned dry and with no parts missing. We'll contact you later with details about the gear so we can get it for you.


Since leaving times and amounts of cars will vary, carpooling to the event will be organised via group chat. We may take buses if we don't have enough cars.


As a rule, your pack, fully loaded with food and water, should be less than 1/3rd of your body weight.

Ankle supporting hiking boots are recommended for this hike as it can be hilly.

The most important pieces of gear you'll need for this hike specifically are:

- Means of carrying at least 2 litres of water

- Suitable footwear that you can remove for river crossings

- Toilet paper

- Head torch

- Spare batteries for everything

- Bathers

- Hiking towel as we might have a couple swims!