A Week in the Gammons


Sat 15 Jul 2023 08:00 — Sun 23 Jul 2023 16:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


This is an Advanced hike. You'll need to have walked overnight before in order to join this hike, and come in with an understanding that the hike won't be easy.

You can register for the hike on this page until the event closes on the 1st of July. This page will be open past that date as a 'waiting list', and we'll accept people into the hike from this on a case-by-case basis. Registration doesn't guarantee you'll be able to go to the hike, since that's based on the number of cars we have, amounts of gear, your own experience level and so on. Successful registrants will be added to a groupchat where we can further plan the event.

Any questions? Text or message me - Daniel Gensemer 0404497812.


A $10 gear use fee applies of you borrow a club sleeping bag or tent. You'll have to pay $22 combined for the 2 nights we're staying at Iga Warta if staying there with us.


The Gammon Ranges is a desert wilderness area about eight hours' drive north of central Adelaide. It's known for its cliff-ringed gorges and prominent mountains. There are no trails, and rocky creekbeds are the main highways in this region. A couple of waterholes are the only water sources.

Walking here can be hugely rewarding, but note that this is an advanced hike. It's on a 60km route, but one that is all offtrack. To come, you need to be self-sufficient while hiking, own sturdy hiking boots, and be able to carry 6-8 litres of water (or 2 days' worth) while hiking 10km a day over very difficult rocky ground up and down mountains.

Weather: Expect 0-10 degree nights and 15-20 degree days. Rain is very rare. Prepare for some freezing nights by bringing a warm sleeping bag!


To borrow gear, you'll have to pay a $10 fee for gear upkeep - we'll contact you about how to pay it. Club gear must be well looked after and be returned dry and with no parts missing. We'll contact you later with details about the gear so we can get it for you.


Since leaving times and amounts of time people will want to take making the drive will vary, carpooling to the event will be organised via group chat. Iga Warta is 8 hours away from Adelaide at least. Allow extra time for the 60km unsealed road at the end, especially if you have a low clearance vehicle!


As a rule, your pack, fully loaded with food and water, should be less than 1/3rd of your body weight.

Ankle supporting hiking boots are strongly recommended for this hike as it is very rocky.

The most important pieces of gear you'll need for this hike specifically are:

- Means of carrying at least 10 litres of water (or 2 nights and 3 days worth)

- Suitable footwear

- Toilet paper

- Head torch

- Spare batteries for everything

- Gaiters for spinifex

- Hiking poles (if you don't bring one you may find some good hiking sticks though)

- WATER FILTER if you own any

Things you won't necessarily need to bring hiking include:

- Phone as nowhere in the Gammons has any reception even for emergencies (we're carrying satellite emergency beacons)

- Tent, provided you bring a tarp and have a warm sleeping bag