Expression of interest: Mt Bogong and Wilson's Prom Winter Multiday Walks


Wed 13 Jul 2022 09:00 — Thu 21 Jul 2022 21:00
AA No location

Event information

This event has passed.

We're heading over to Victoria for a double walk trip!

Summits and sea, this trip offers a great chance to explore some lovely parts of the Australian bush. As the walks will both be quite intense, you'll need to have experience doing multiday walks and a good level of fitness. You'll also need to source/buy clothing and shoes suitable for the cold temperatures.


Part 1: Mt Bogong. A 3 day snow walk up Mt Bogong (or otherwise) using snow shoes and camping on snow in the high country.

Part 2: Wilson's Promontory. A 3 day coastal forest walk in the southernmost part of mainland Australia.

We've also planned in days to drive over, go between the two walks and drive home.


Cost: $20 for camping, approx $200 for fuel


If you have any questions, please contact Josie on 0449761440