Trip leaders - getting involved

How to become a trip leader

Our club would be kaput without our incredible Trip Leaders who volunteer their time to organise awesome things for all members to enjoy. Anyone can become a trip leader, and it's super easy to get your trips up and running.

Step 1: Get in contact with someone who is already a Trip Leader (people who post events on the Facebook Page), or a committee member, and get them to add you to the Trip Leaders Facebook group - this is the behind the scenes where we plan trips before we post them in the members group. 

Step 2: Post a trip idea in the trip leaders group. There's a guideline on what to include in the trip leaders group but you basically need to say what your plans are: when, where, what, who etc. If you have someone else who is happy to help you run the trip, state that, you can also ask if anyone from trip leaders is willing to help you out.

Step 3: Get "approved" on trip leaders. Our policy is 24 hours without anyone saying no, but essentially it means having some support from others including the relevant officer or experienced leaders for more advanced trips.

Step 4: (can happen at the same time as step 3) Get someone to add you to the website backend and make your trip on the website, including relevant registration info and fees if applicable. We have a guide on how to do this and a group chat for website support. Ask someone to check it if you're unsure.

Step 5: Post the event registration link to the members Facebook group and watch the sign ups roll in!


Types of trips:

Beginner trips

Examples of easy trips to run include day walks, beginner multiday walks, snorkeling trips, camping trips, social things like movie nights, craft days, whatever you come up with! Anyone is welcome to run these types of trips and they're a great way to meet people.


Beginner climbing trips (top rope)

For climbing, there's a process to becoming a top rope climbing leader but it's not hard and just involves being shown how to set up ropes and then demonstrating that you can remember it on another trip. However, if you're not a climbing leader, you could still organise a Morialta climbing day as long as someone is there who has been checked off to set up top ropes. Most of the time, there are climbing leaders available to help with the technical side but they don't want to organise the people side of the trip (sign ups, cancellations, carpooling etc) so organising the trip is a great way for you to have more Mori trips and gain rope skills.

Intermediate/advanced climbing (sport, trad)

For more advanced climbing, you will need to get experience in that type of climbing. 


For kayaking, we have a process to becoming a leader, so you should contact the kayaking officer about this.


For more information on AUMC Trip Policies, see our Governance page.