Committee - getting involved

If you'd like to be involved in the organisation of our club, we'd love to have you on our committee!


The AUMC committee is made up of 9 people. We have some set positions and also general committee members. The set roles are listed below:

  • President: Runs the committee, works with AU Sport, attends sports council meetings
  • Vice-President: Assists the president with tasks, fills in when they are unavailable
  • Secretary: Organises committee meetings and takes notes
  • Treasurer: In charge of finances and making sure we follow a budget, applies for grants, deals with paying back trip leaders for trip expenses
  • General committee members: Attend committee meetings (we need at least 5 committee members at every meeting), assist in club organisational matters and have a vote in decision making


Not necessarily committee roles (can be a committee member but don't have to be):

  • Climbing officer: makes sure all the safety gear is up to date and purchases climbing gear as required
  • Kayaking officer: maintains the kayaks and keeps track of trip leaders
  • Bushwalking officer: maintains the bushwalking and camping gear and purchases this as required
  • Board riding officer: organises some board riding trips and maintains the gear
  • Gear room officer: hires gear out to people, keeps track of gear loaned and returned, repairs gear as necessary, organises an annual audit of the gear room
  • Responder to messages: is an admin of the facebook page and is on the email account, responds to messages from the public  or forwards these to the relevant people


If you have any questions about getting involved, please get in contact with one of our current committee members or message the facebook account or