Fees & Amounts

2024 Training Fee Amounts

Students ($348/yr) or ($30/mo)

  • Students studying at any South Australian university or high school.
  • Includes:
    • Attendance at all regular AUJC senior training sessions
  • Does not include:
    • AUJC/AU Sport registration
    • JudoSA Membership
    • Grading fees

General Adult ($496/yr) or ($45/mo)

  • University staff and alumni, and general public.
  • Includes:
    • Attendance at all regular AUJC senior training sessions
  • Does not include:
    • AUJC/AU Sport registration
    • JudoSA Membership
    • Grading fees

Junior with Sport Voucher ($324/yr) or ($30/mo)

  • School children up to Year 9 with a valid sports voucher.
  • Includes:
    • Attendance at all appropriate regular AUJC junior training sessions
    • Up to 2 gradings per year at no extra cost
    • JudoSA Membership
    • AUJC/AU Sport registration

Juniors under 18 ($264/yr) or ($24/mo)

  • All juniors without a sports voucher.
  • Includes:
    • Attendance at all regular AUJC juniors or senior training sessions
  • Does not include:
    • AUJC/AU Sport registration
    • JudoSA Membership
    • Grading fees

2024 Grading Fee Amounts

  • Senior Yellow/Orange Belt: $25
  • Senior Green/Blue Belt: $40
  • Senior Brown Belt: $50

2024 Casual Mat Fee Amounts

  • General Adult/session: $20
  • Student/session: $15


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