
Adelaide University Sport


Adelaide University Sport and Fitness (herein referred to as AUSF) seeks to be a leader in developing and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the University of Adelaide and wider community by facilitating high-quality sports and recreation programs.

This Code of Conduct is designed to outline expectations for conduct for AUSF members, employees, volunteers, and other community members. 

AUSF members, employees, and volunteers are required to demonstrate professional ethical behaviour at all times - in their responsibilities to AUSF, in their relationships with each other, in their service to the community, and will be required to adhere to this Code of Conduct. No behaviours that are abusive in any manner will be tolerated. This will include verbal abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse.


This Code of Conduct shall apply when representing AUSF in any way including playing, training or taking part in AUSF or club-sanctioned activities. 

This policy is binding for the AUSF Board, AUSF Staff, affiliated clubs and their members and students representing AUSF and the University of Adelaide. Violation of this policy could be seen as a matter of serious consequence and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal as outlined in the AUSF Constitution. 

This policy is not restricted to the workplace, work hours, or sporting events and the obligations remain applicable when representing AU Sport. 

Where an Affiliated AUSF Club Code of Conduct applies, the obligations within this policy shall take precedence.  


Personal and Professional Behaviour

AUSF Members

In addition to complying with all relevant specific Club Policies, AUSF Members shall: 

  1. Act within the rules and spirit of sport.
  2. Promote fair play over winning at any cost.
  3. Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn and demonstrate appropriate behaviours and skills.
  4. Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of sport.
  5. Treat each person as an individual.
  6. Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport.
  7. Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion.
  8. Respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators.
  9. For those over 18 years of age, wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power imbalance exists) with people under 18 years of age.
  10. Display appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions.
  11. Display responsible behaviour in relation to alcohol and other drugs.
  12. Act with integrity and objectivity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  13. Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a safe environment.
  14. Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment-free environment.
  15. Do not tolerate abusive, bullying or threatening behaviour.



  1. Give your best at all times.
  2. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit. 
  3. Play by the rules and show respect for other players, coaches, officials and administrators.
  4. Be a financial member of the club and remain up to date with any club costs. 



  1. Place the safety and welfare of athletes above all else.
  2. Help each person (athlete, official, etc.) to reach their potential. Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each person and encourage them with positive and constructive feedback.
  3. Ensure all players are included and can participate, regardless of their race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion. 
  4. Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up-to-date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of players.
  5. Ensure that any physical contact with another person is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the person's skill development.



  1. Place the safety and welfare of the athletes above all else.
  2. Ensure all players are included and can participate, regardless of their race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion. 
  3. Be consistent, impartial and objective when making decisions.
  4. Address unsporting behaviour and promote respect for other players and officials.


Administrators (Club, AU Sport)

  1. Ensure quality supervision and instruction for players.
  2. Support coaches and officials to improve their skills and competencies.
  3. Act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the sport, club or association as a whole.
  4. Ensure that any information acquired or advantage gained from the position is not used improperly.
  5. Conduct club responsibilities with due care, competence and diligence.



  1. Respect the effort and performances of players, administrators and officials.
  2. Reject the use of harassment, bullying or violence in any form, whether by other spectators, coaches, officials or athletes.


Parents of AUSF Members

  1. Encourage your child to participate, do their best and have fun.
  2. Focus on your child's effort and performance, rather than winning or losing.
  3. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  4. Help out the coach or officials at training and games, where possible.
  5. Model appropriate behaviour, including respect for other players and officials.

Adelaide University Boat Club

Terms of Membership

  1. The "member" means any person applying for or granted membership to the AUBC.
  2. "AUBC" means Adelaide University Boat Club Inc.
  3. Upon payment of the membership fee and acceptance of the application for membership, AUBC will provide the member with access to equipment and services in accordance with the class of membership applied for by and granted to the member.
  4. The member will pay any membership fee associated with the class of membership applied for by the member.
  5. Membership is in the sole discretion of the AUBC board and the AUBC board reserves the right to decline any application for membership.
  6. Where an application for membership is declined, the AUBC will refund any membership fee paid within a reasonable time.
  7. Use of equipment remains within the discretion of the AUBC board and the member is will use equipment solely on the terms required by the AUBC board.
  8. The member warrants and guarantees that the member can swim 50 metres fully clothed, tread water for 2 minutes and swim under water for 5 metres.  The member acknowledges that AUBC has relied on this warranty and guarantee in granting the member membership to AUBC.
  9. The member agrees and acknowledges that the members will be bound by and will comply with any policy or procedure adopted by AUBC or by which AUBC is bound.
  10. The member agrees and acknowledges that the member is liable to reimburse AUBC for any damage to equipment caused by the member's use of the equipment except for fair wear and tear.
  11. The member hereby waives to the fullest extent permitted by law any claim, right or entitlement howsoever arising, whether present, future or contingent, known or unknown, arising in law, equity or pursuant to statute it may have against AUBC arising from or in any way connected with the member's membership of AUBC, use of equipment owned by AUBC, coaching or direction provided by AUBC, or attendance at any event organised or promoted by AUBC.
  12. The member indemnifies, keeps indemnified and holds harmless AUBC from any loss, damage, cost incurred by AUBC in any way arising from or connected to the member's membership.
  13. To the extent that a member stores, transports or uses any personal property, including but not limited to boats, at facilities controlled by AUBC, or for the purposes of any training or event organised or promoted by AUBC, the member does so entirely at their own risk and AUBC will not be liable to for any loss or damage arising from the said storage or use.  The insurance of any personal property of a member transported, used or stored at any AUBC facility, or for the purposes of any training or event organised or promoted by AUBC shall be the sole responsibility of the member. 

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