Welcome to ABSC 24/25. We're all so excited to see you all sailing soon and enjoying all the fantastic aspects of our club's facilities and the beautiful sailing conditions that we do get in Apollo Bay. The only thing more special than lovely facilities and great sailing conditions is the fabulous array of charismatic members, both new and old that make ABSC so awesome. Let's get together and enjoy it all this summer at ABSC.
Introducing the 2024/25 Committee: Junior Reps: Octavia Geekie, Peter Geekie, Gary Summers, Simon Landhow, Paul Heland, Katie Ashby Koppens (Secretary), Suzanne Goodison (Teasurer), Jesse Morrow (Commodore), Bruce Johnson (Vice Commodore), Rob Koppens, Igor. Please make the most of these fabulous volunteers by supporting their efforts to work hard to make our club safe, fun, viable and compelling for you to enjoy. Your feedback, advice and assistance is always welcome.