Documents and Rules

Like other RSOs (Regional Sports Organisations) Aoraki Dragons operate under the auspices of 'parent organisations', and adopts rules and regulations of those bodies. From time to time, Aoraki Dragons will supplement these rules with variations that allow Aoraki - and its clubs and teams - to operate in a manner appropriate to the circumstances. 

At its highest level, is the International Dragon Boat Federation IDBF. Their Rules and Regulations apply especially to international events and operations, but IDBF allows (and encourages) subsidiary organisations to adopt and follow those rules where possible. Or adapt them when it is appropriate. So in the absence of relevant rules and regulations at lower levels (that is, issued by Oceania, NZDBA or Aoraki Dragos) then the highest level rule/regulation shall apply.

Below IDBF sits the Oceania Dragon Boat Federation. It consists of founding member countries New Zealand and Australia. Aside from its Constitution, it has no Rules or Regulations to speak of.

Our NSO (National Sports Organisation) the New Zealand Dragon Boat Association has numerous Policies and Procedures that apply to RSOs. These are not replicated by Aoraki, but are adopted by virtue of NZDBA being our NSO. These policies include:

Further, Aoraki fully participates in National systems such as the NZ Dragonboat Sweep Accreditation system and the National Race Officials Development Accreditation (RODA) Scheme.