
ANU Swimming & Water Polo Club


In 2011, a social group of ANU students decided to set up a swimming club! Following converstaions with ANU Sport, ANU's first swimming club was established. Over the coming years the club attracted new members but the social aspect remained key. The club has participated and will continure to participate in various ocean swims and coast trips. In February 2019, Club Lime Aquatics opened on ANU Campus, making swimming more avaliable than ever! The Coronavirus pandemic was a particulalry difficult time for the club, seeing membership numbers drop to there lowest levels since the club was established. To combat this drop of numbers the board in collaberation with Water Polo ACT decided to run an introduction to water polo session. Although the first attempt was cancelled in May 2020, by October the club successfully run its pilot program with great success. 

In 2021 the club pushed ahead with its plan to add water polo and successfully rebranded as the ANU Swimming & Water Polo Club in March. In August, the club officially affiliated with Water Polo ACT and continues to grow! The club has began participating in Water Polo ACT University Cup, Canberra Cup as well as Summer Comp - ACT's premier club cometition. The board is excited by the growth the club is expreiencing and excited about the future!


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