
Training/COVID-19 Club Notice

Published Tue 29 Sep 2020

The start of the season is upon us. As we are all aware, this year has been a little crazy, and the start of the water polo season will be no different. With COVID restrictions still here, we just need to be aware of what is needed from us all to train and play this year.

Firstly, you will be required to log in to get into the pool (check with Aligned Leisure to be sure of all their requirements), but you will also need to check in with the club too. At this stage that will be via a logbook. We will have a “COVID Marshall” at each training session, so look for the yellow vest. You will not be able to train until you have completed this document, each time you attend the pool.

We are looking for some people to volunteer to marshall. Many hands make light work, so if you have some time on a Wednesday, your help would be much appreciated. It really is just helping log people in and out, and making sure they are doing the right things out of the water (social distancing etc.).

Obviously we need to be seen as a club to be compliant to all the rules, so hand washing, staying away if you exhibit symptoms, social distancing and reporting of any cases are all the same with us as they are in the general community. With that in mind, we do ask you keep the use of the club rooms to a minimum for now, and change in the facilities from the pool. We also ask all spectators (and parents) to be compliant with the same rules when at the pool, and when leaving the pool (no big groups out in the car park please).

While we know some of this may seem a touch weird when we are playing closely to each other in the pool, we still need to consider general rules and restrictions as a small price to pay to be able to play the game we all love.

Can’t wait to see you all pool side.