Good Sports Policies


Our club is working towards Full accreditation with Good Sports Australia.

Albury Comets Softball Club is implementing these policies to help educate and protect our members about

the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and drug use.

Please feel free to browse the extensive range of topics below:

NEW TOPIC: How Alcohol affects you

Drug Facts

 Help & Support

Learning about Illegal Drugs

For those Looking for information or support services on alcohol or drugs in our area:

Albury Community Health

Or you can call 02 6058 1800

For advice on 

  • Family Drug Support

    Providing up-to-date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families of people who use substances. FDS operates a National 24 hr, 7 day a week telephone support service for families affected by alcohol and other drug issues.

    1300 368 186

    Good sports Mental Health Poster & info

    We have on display contact details for the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) information line and other local health service providers. The ADF has a dedicated DrugInfo and advice line : 1300 85 85 84.

    Drug Information

    Our club also provides opportunities for coaches, officials, members and volunteers to be educated about mental health through the Good Sports online mental health learning module

    Mental Health Learning Module



We Support