
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started



Welcome to Alstonville Junior Water Polo

2024/2025 Season Registration

    Fees for the Season are as follows, please click the link at the bottom of the page to register:

Beginner FlippaBall (25m pool) - $30

Shallow End Juniors U12s - $100

Deep End Juniors 12s and over - $150

Registration does not include competition entry and team registration. 

Please note that processing fees will be added to the membership price also.

ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHER: If you would like to use Active Kids Voucher for registration, enter discount code AKV24 when prompted and then provide us with the AKV Voucher Number in the required field during step 4 of Registration (last field on that page).

Note: Once the AKV has been applied, as per Services NSW, the voucher value cannot be reimbursed as cash, nor can it be transferred to another child. The voucher cannot be refunded to you.

AJWP Player Competency and Safety Swim Policy:  You can view our full policy by clicking here.  Confirmation of player water safety and swimming competence is a requirement prior to participation and is as recommended by Water Polo Australia.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

For players registering in the Far North Coast Monday nights senior comp, please visit


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