2023 Nationals Nominations - Perth


18/9/2023 - 1/10/2023
Perth Hockey

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Players will need to be in Perth from 18 September - 1 October 2023

Nominations for ACT eligible players, 34 and over (as of 31/12/2023), interested in playing t the National Championships for ACT Women's Masters.

ACT Women's Masters will select teams to participate in the National Championships. in Perth,

Interested Managers and Coaches please contact ACT Women's Masters by email: actwomensmasters@gmail.com 

Not all age groups will be represented by the ACT at the National Championships. Age groups that will be sent to the Championships will depend on nominations received by the due date.

The ACT usually sends 16 players including 2 goalkeepers to National Championships.

Players will be selected based on the Player Selection Policy, as set out in the ACT Women's Masters Selection Policy

Only players who are eligible to play for the ACT should fill in this form.

Players from other States/Territories may be "Picked-up", these "pick-up" players will be based on availability and releases and processes from other states and ensuring ACT comply with age restrictions (players moving age groups) as designated by Hockey Australia.

More information available through the various links on the ACT Women's Masters Website