2024 Term 3 Beginners Training Willoughby Level 1

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$50.00 per session
$300.00 all sessions

Dive into the Exciting World of Volleyball with our Beginner Level Training Program!

Are you ready to embark on an incredible volleyball journey, even if you've never touched a volleyball before? Look no further! Our highly anticipated Beginner Level Volleyball Training Program is designed to introduce you to the sport, teach you the fundamentals, and ignite your passion for the game. Join us every Sunday from 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM for our Term 3 beginners program that will set the stage for your volleyball dreams to come true.

No experience? No problem! Our program is specifically tailored for beginners who are eager to learn and have fun. Our expert coaching team is dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where you can thrive, regardless of your background or skill level. We'll guide you through every step, ensuring you feel confident and comfortable as you embark on your volleyball journey.

During the program, we'll focus on teaching the essential skills needed to excel in volleyball. Serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking will become second nature as you participate in engaging drills, interactive exercises, and friendly gameplay. Our patient coaches will provide individualized attention, offering guidance and feedback to help you improve your technique and build a solid foundation.

But our program is about more than just skills. We believe in the power of teamwork and friendship. As you learn and grow together with fellow beginners, you'll forge new connections and create lifelong memories. Our program fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone is valued and supported. We'll celebrate victories, share in the joy of progress, and cheer each other on as we navigate the exciting world of volleyball.

We understand that starting something new can be daunting, but rest assured, we're here for you every step of the way. Our coaches are passionate about helping you succeed, ensuring your safety, and making your experience enjoyable. We'll create a nurturing environment where you can ask questions, make mistakes, and learn with confidence.

So, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to discover the joy of volleyball and embark on a transformative journey of growth and friendship. Register now for our Beginner Level Volleyball Training Program and get ready to unlock your potential in a sport that will challenge and inspire you. The court is waiting, and your volleyball adventure begins here!


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