AGM 2024
Here are links to the ABS 2024 AGM documents, including the Notice of Meeting and related papers, together with the financial reports:
Notice and Financials
The AGM is at Broken Hill this year, subsidised by the ABS again, so register to come along for a short fun social couple of days from 26-27 October: AGM Registration
Nomination forms and proxies should be sent to me by 1 October.
Also, our September newsletter went out yesterday so let me know if you didn't receive it by email (these emails and the newsletter come from separate lists within revolutionise). Check out the various upcoming events in the newsletter and express your interest in attending. That helps the Committee put on the best events possible for you.
Our next Techtalk is in two weeks time on Tuesday 17 September at 7.30pm Mel/Syd/Bris time continuing on the aircraft maintenance theme. Connection details on revolutionise.