ABS Update Dec 24
Here is our final update for 2024. It has been a busy year and on behalf of the Committee we wish all members a merry Christmas and safe travels over the holiday period.
We had our final TechTalk for the year back on Tuesday 19 November presented by Graham Bunn, a twin Comanche owner and flight instructor on flyaways, both general considerations for trips away and some specifics of flying north to PNG. Key takeaways can be found on his webpage at https://prettybloodyhot.wordpress.com/trip-planning-notes-from-2024/ and some specifics on the PNG trip as a blog at https://prettybloodyhot.wordpress.com/. For any members contemplating a trip to PNG, Graham talks about meeting up with ABS member Bob Bates at Mt Hagen.
TechTalks resume on Tue 11 Feb at 7.30pm Mel/Syd time. The first one will cover formation flying with opportunities for questions.
As yet another chapter in the long-running wingbolt saga, CASA has now cancelled the AD for wingbolt inspections for the 90 series of KingAirs. An observer might therefore wonder why then CASA would maintain the ADs for Bonanzas and Beechcraft in which there has never been an in-flight failure? We wonder too and thank Tony Brand for asking CASA. Stay tuned.
Late Christmas Lunch
For our January lunch, we are very keen to find somewhere to attract some members who otherwise find it difficult to participate in ABS activities to share in a lunch. We selected Brown Brothers with its airstrip and location just southwest of Albury on Saturday 18 Jan. Please register via revo if you plan to attend to help with organising - Brown Brothers Lunch.
Formation Flying
You will have seen information about the formation flying camp in March 2025. Chief Instructor Murray comments "This is one of the most self-rewarding types of flying I do, and I have a passion to share with other pilots as well as train new Instructors to teach this skill. ICAO definition:- Formation flight is defined as more than one aircraft operating as a single aircraft with regards to navigation and position reporting. FAA adds:- Separation between aircraft within formation is the responsibility of the flight leader and the pilots of the other aircraft in the flight. The Ground School covers detailed briefing on formation terminology, aircraft positioning, types of turns, and techniques to change position in a formation. As well as a discussion about the first lesson you ever did, Effect Of Controls, now you have a reference point right beside you. We do lots of briefings, so everyone is on the same page! CASA actually says before any Formation Flight, it is Mandatory to have a briefing. I agree! Formation flying is intense, short exercises, initially frustrating, then once you hone your skills and processing speed, it becomes very rewarding, as well as a new level of comradery with other pilots. You will also start to see how some of the skills you use in formation flying hone your general flying skills." Register here: Formation training
Avalon Airshow
The Avalon airshow is on again in 2025, but a month later at the end of March. The ABS has been invited to participate in GA ground static display. While the ABS has formally participated in the past as part of the GA area, your Committee has decided not to formally participate next year as the ABS. However, if any members are keen to display their aircraft and receive several free passes to the airshow in return, please contact Jock Folan for details as soon as possible. Note that the pilot will need a second person to drive as there will not be ground transport available (other than to Lethbridge Airfield) and also that your aircraft will be required to remain at Avalon from about 25 to 31 March.
Our November newsletter went out by email a few weeks ago. If you didn't receive it then (1) your email address on the newsletter list may need updating so contact ABS secretary - it's a different list to this email, and (2) find a link to the newsletter here: Newsletters.