505 | 29er | 420 Nationals
Event information
Enter here for the 2023
505 | 29er | 420
SA Sailing National Championship
23 - 25 September 2023
Club Mykonos, Langebaan
Organised by the 505, 29er & 420 Class Associations
in conjunction with Saldanha Bay Yacht Club
with the consent of SA Sailing.
All sailors must be paid up members of the respective class associations.
To register as a class association member, please click on one of the links below to take you to your class's membership application form/process
15 Sept 2023 - enter until the end of the day - entry fee R1000
18 Sept 2023 - late entries close at 18h00 - late entry fee R1400
23 Sept 2023
08h00 – 09h00 Registration, Equipment inspection & event measurement
10h55 scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race
24 Sept 2023
09h30 scheduled time of the warning signal
25 Sept 2023
09h30 scheduled time of the warning signal
no warning signal will be made after 14h00
A maximum of 12 races are scheduled.
All competitors shall be members in good standing of SA Sailing and of a yacht club affiliated to and in good standing with SA Sailing (or their equivalent in the case of non-South Africans) and legally permitted to compete.