Policy: Race Management

LBSC Policy - Race Management



The following club Policy Documents relating to race management are provided to assist the management and sailors when conducting and participating in sailing events at the sailing club.

Decision to Race - Guidelines for Race Officials and Sailors
The management committee of the Largs Bay SC has established this policy to guide race officials and sailors in making the decision as to whether they should start or continue a boat race.  
The skipper and crew must always consider Rule 4, which states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”. 
  View the Decision to Race Guidelines

Always Check the Weather Reports before Sailing
All sailors should check for weather reports, tide times and marine weather warnings provided by the Bureau of Meteorology and other on-line weather services before going afloat.  Up-to-date weather information is available on the internet and on phone apps and hourly reports are broadcast by most Adelaide Radio and Television stations.
  View recommended Weather Reports provided by the BOM

RACE MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES for Club Racing and other Regattas
This guide has been provided to ensure that club officials and boat crews understand and employ suitable procedures and practices to ensure all activities are managed to minimise any risk to volunteers and the sailors participating in yacht racing conducted at the LBSC.
  View the LBSC Race Management Guidelines

Safe Use and Storage of Boats and Towing Vehicles
This policy covers the safe use of club boats and other equipment and member's use of towing vehicles, plus the conditions for storage of member's boats at the club.
  View the Policy for Use of Club Equipment and Storage of Member's Boats

Boat Safety and Seaworthy Check
All boats sailing at LBSC should have the appropriate safety equipment and be maintained in a seaworthy condition.
  View the Guidelines for conduct of a Seaworthy Check of a member's boat
  View the form to perform a Seaworthy Check of your Boat

Risk management and reporting of Shark Sightings
The committee recommends that if possible additional safety boats be recruited over weekends when shark activity has been reported by the Police and Surf Lifesaving groups or in the media.
  View the guidelines for responding to a shark sighting in the racing area

Sailing in hot and inclement weather conditions
On days with extreme hot or inclement weather the committee of the Largs Bay SC may need to consider cancelling racing and/or training programs.
  View the guidelines for sailing in hot & inclement weather

Use of Club Owned Boats
Club owned boats are available for use by members participating in sail training programs and for hire to youth sailors wishing to sail in programmed club racing.  Boats will be offered under a "Priority Use Agreement".
  View the LBSC Priority Use Agreement

View other policy and bylaws relevant to Club Administration and Health & Safety of Members  at LBSC

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