Policy: Member Health and Safety

LBSC Policy - Health and Safety


The following club Policy Documents relating to the Health and Safety of Members, Staff and Visitors are provided to assist the management and sailors when conducting and participating in sailing events at the sailing club. 

Health and Safety Policy Statement
LARGS BAY SAILING CLUB is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees and volunteers to ensure the safety of members and visitors.
  View the LBSC Health and Safety Policy Statement

Child Safe Policy
This policy was written to demonstrate the strong commitment of the management, employees and volunteers to child safety and establishing and maintaining a child safe and child friendly environment at LBSC.
For further information or to report an incident contact one of our Club Child Safety Officers; Caroline Cowen, Ph 0410 618 925 or Charlie Griffiths, Ph 0488 083 513 or Peter Fewings, Ph 0407 395 715.
  View the Largs Bay Sailing Club "Child Safe Policy" document

Reporting and Review of Incidents at LBSC
The Management Committee of LBSC is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees and volunteers to ensure the safety of members and visitors.  As part of that commitment the committee has set in place a process for recording and investigating any incidents, which occur at the club.
  View our Incident Reporting and Review Policy
  View and/or Print an Incident Report Form

Risk Management Plan
  View the LBSC Risk Management Plan  (Feb 2020)

Conditions for Use of Squash Courts by Club Members
This document explains the conditions which shall apply for members using the squash courts at LBSC.
  View the  Conditions for use of the LBSC squash courts.

Australian Sailing Anti-doping Policy
Largs Bay Sailing Club supports the policy of Yachting Australia to keep our sport drug free.
  View the National Anti-doping Policy

Service of Alcohol Policy
This document explains the "service of alcohol an Safe transport" policy, which shall apply for all club activities and private functions conducted at LBSC.
  View the guidelines for service of alcohol and LBSC.

Smoke Free Policy
The club's smoke free policy shall apply to all sailors, coaches, officials, members and visitors to the club facilities during club functions and other activities undertaken by the club.  All club facilities shall be smoke free and the club will not sell or supply tobacco products.
  View the LBSC Smoke Free Policy

View other policy and bylaws relevant to Club Administration and Race Management at LBSC


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