

Past events

Australian Dragon Boat Championships
Wed 17 Apr 2024 07:00 — Sun 21 Apr 2024 17:00
Champion Lakes Regatta Course WA
2024 State Championships
Sun 10 Mar 2024 08:00 — 16:00
New Norfolk Esplanade
Tasmanian Dragon Boat State Championships
Lake Barrington, Dragons Abreast NW Tas Regatta
Please contact Dragons Abreast Devonport for more information or
Lake Barrington
Lake Barrington, Dragons Abreast NW Tas Regatta
Georges Bay Dragon Boat Club Fun Day /Regatta
All races are weather permitting. 6.30pm Saturday Night BBQ 34 St Helens Point Road If people would like a paddle on Sunday 21 it will be arranged The fun day will be held either at Foreshore in St Helens or at O’Conner’s Beach, St Helens Point Road. Camp
Georges Bay
Georges Bay Regatta
2023 Deloraine Regatta
Sat 02 Dec 2023 10:00 — 15:00
Deloraine Meander River
Deloraine Regatta
Dragon Boat Tasmania AGM
Sun 29 Oct 2023 13:00 — 15:00
Campbell Town
IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival
International Breast Cancer Celebration
Lake Karapiro New Zealand
Nipples on Ripples Regatta at Lake Barrington
Sat 11 Feb 2023 09:00 — Sun 12 Feb 2023 14:00
Lake Barrington
Georges Bay Regatta
Fun Day on the Bay
Georges Bay
Deloraine Regatta
Deloraine Regatta
Deloraine Meander River
DATH Corporate Day
DATH Corporate Regatta
Lindisfarne Rowing Club
Level 1 Coaching Course
DBTas is happy to announce that Ali Mourant will be conducting another Level 1 Coaching Course on the last weekend of July this year. This will be held in Deloraine again. Additional details yet to be confirmed.
Deloraine Meander River
Aurora Come and Try
Aurora Come and Try Session with Australian Aurora Head Coach David Abel and Emily Zitkevicius, (Premier Division Manager)
Lindisfarne Rowing Club
Boys Day Out
Our initiative of having a 'Boys Day Out' is to reinvigorate interest in mens Dragon Boating in Tasmania. If we gain enough interest, minimum 10 men, we hope this will be the start of building a representative team from Tasmania. Possible opportunities
North Esk Rowing Club
Sweeps Course for novices
Sat 30 Apr 2022 10:00 — 15:00
North Esk Rowing Club
Wed 06 Apr 2022 07:30 — Sun 10 Apr 2022 18:00
West Lakes, Adelaide, SA
AGM 2021 yes
Sun 10 Oct 2021 13:00 — 15:30
Campbell Town
Level 2 Coaches Course yes
Sat 24 Jul 2021 09:00 — Sun 25 Jul 2021 16:00
Lindisfarne Rowing Club
State Championships 2021
Sun 07 Mar 2021 08:30 — 15:00
New Norfolk Esplanade
Nipples on Ripples
Sun 07 Feb 2021 09:00 — 16:00
Lake Barrington

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